Montenegrin parliamentary election, 2006

Montenegrin parliamentary election, 2006

2002 ←
December 10, 2006
→ 2009

81 seats to the Skupština Republike Crne Gore
  First party Second party
Leader Milo Đukanović Andrija Mandić
Last election 31 (39) seats
(coalition together with SDP CG)
6 seats
(within the SNP CG-led coalition)
Seats won 32 (41)
(coalition together with SDP CG)
9 (12)
(SNS-led political alliance)
Seat change +1 (+2) +3 (+6)
Popular vote 164,737 49,730
Percentage 48.62% 14.68%

  Third party Fourth party
Leader Predrag Bulatović Nebojša Medojević
Party SNP CG PzP
Last election 19 (30)
(an SNP CG-led political alliance)
Seats won 8 (11)
(a coalition around SNP CG)
Seat change -11 (-13) +11
Popular vote 47,683 44,483
Percentage 14.07% 13.13%

PM before election

Milo Đukanović

Elected PM

Željko Šturanović


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The election for the Constitutional Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro in the newly independent Republic of Montenegro took place on September 10, 2006, with Prime Minister Milo Đukanović claiming absolute victory for his centre-left, pro-European Union party the next day. Đukanović's Coalition for a European Montenegro, based around the Democratic Party of Socialists, won 39 seats (+1 Albanian) in the 81 seat parliament with the vote near fully counted. The opposition blocs together received 34 seats (11 for the Socialist People's Party and the Movement for Changes each and 12 for the Serbian List). There were 484,430 eligible voters.

As rival groups conceded defeat, the re-elected Prime Minister stated that, "These elections showed that Montenegro is stable and firm on its road to Europe." [1]

The new Movement for Changes, standing on a pro-EU, anti-corruption and economic improvement platform, took 11 seats. Other seats were won by parties representing ethnic minorities, mainly Albanian.

The parliamentary elections in Montenegro were held largely in line with OSCE commitments and Council of Europe standards for democratic elections. However a number of reappearing challenges remain to be addressed, concluded the International Election Observation Mission. Some 200 observers from 41 countries monitored the vote and the count.

"The people of the world's newest country can be proud that their first elections since gaining independence meet international electoral standards. We look forward to working with our Montenegrin parliamentary colleagues and overcoming remaining challenges", said João Soares, Head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Delegation and Special Co-ordinator for the short-term observers, appointed by the OSCE Chairman-in-Office.


Out of 484,430 legitimate Montenegrin voters, 70.3% voted at the Parliamentary elections:

e • d Summary of the 10 September 2006 Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro election results
List Votes  % Seats +/–
Main Albanian by-elect
Coalition for a European MontenegroMilo ĐukanovićDPSSDP (Коалиција за европску Црну Гору – Мило Ђукановић – ДПС-СДП) 164,737 48.62 39 +2 +3
Serbian ListAndrija Mandić (Српска листа – Андрија Мандић) 49,730 14.68 12 +6
SNP–NS–DSS Coalition: Socialist People's Party of Montenegro, People's Party and Democratic Serb Party (СНП–НС–ДСС – коалиција: Социјалистичка народна партија Црне Горе, Народна странка и Демократска српска странка) 47,683 14.07 11 –13
Movement for ChangesNebojša Medojević (Покрет за промјене – Небојша Медојевић) 44,483 13.13 11 +11
Liberals and Bosniak Party – Correct in the Past, Right for the Future – Miodrag Miko Živković ("Либерали и Бошњачка странка – Исправни у прошлости, прави за будућност" – Миодраг Мико Живковић) 12,748 3.76 3 +3
Coalition Democratic Alliance in MontenegroParty of Democratic Prosperity – Mehmet Bardhi ("Коалиција: Демократски савез у Црној Гори–Партија демократског просперитета – Мехмед Бардхи") 4,373 1.29 0 +1 ±0
Democratic Union of Albanians – Ferhat Dinoša (Демократска унија Албанаца - Ферхат Диноша) 3,693 1.09 0 +1 ±0
Civic List (Грађанска листа) 2,906 0.86 0 –1
Albanian Alternative ("Албанска алтернатива") 2,656 0.78 0 +1 +1
League of Communists of Yugoslavia – Communists of Montenegro (Савез комуниста Југославије – Комунисти Црне Горе) 2,343 0.69
New Democratic Force - FORCA (Нова демократска снага - ФОРЦА) 2,197 0.65
Democratic Party of Montenegro – The Missing Part ("Демократска странка Црне Горе – Дио који недостаје") 1,286 0.38
Valid votes 338,833 100 76 +5 +6
Total (turnout 71.37%; -6.1%) 345,730

Pre-election opinion polls

One opinion poll leading up to the elections suggested Đukanović's Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) could win as much as 30%-45% of the vote, but that would still leave him needing a coalition partner. According to the same poll, the three pro-Serb opposition alliances could each win between 10% and 20% of the vote - potentially enough to unseat the prime minister if they succeed in uniting against him. All three say their main priority is to replace Mr Đukanović. However, the prime minister himself did not rule out joining forces with the main opposition bloc, led by the Socialist People's Party[2]

Poll from the status of the parties just before the election:

